Why you are STUCK with Levelled Down Friends

Either I grow with you or I outgrow you, I don't stand still for ANYONE. 😤

If you’re feeling discouraged, frustrated, and more negative than usual -- you might want to take a hard look at your friend group. When it comes to our relationships it can be easy to disregard red flags and bad behaviour because we tend to be more forgiving towards the people we love. However, this can be the EXACT reason why you’re feeling unmotivated and uninspired. In this blog post, we are discussing how and why you’re STUCK with levelled down friends.

I was in your shoes not all that long ago. I remember there was a time when I was overwhelmingly frustrated because I wanted to level up in every part of my life. At this time I was researching the art of confidence, learning about charm and elegance on an energetic level, and discovering my feminine power. It was thrilling and I wanted to get out into the world and practice these new skills I was so excited about.

There was just one problem… my friends. It seemed like no matter where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do my circle didn’t see the value in it, couldn’t afford it, or weren’t willing to prioritise it. I was doing all of this hard work and investing in myself but because my friends weren’t doing the same, they unintentionally held me back from the lifestyle I wanted to live.

As a result, I was S.T.U.C.K. 

S - Stressed: Knowing I could achieve so much more if I was around the right people, but not getting any closer to those people.

T - Thorny: The resentment I had for my friends was building and I began getting snappy and started retaliating by shutting down their ideas and wants.

U - Unfulfilled: I was living my life on other people’s time which put a pause on my potential. What a unfortunate way to live.

C - Confused: I felt like if I didn’t have a friend to go out with, I couldn’t meet amazing men and women. It was like a catch 22, how was I supposed to level up!?

K - Killing: All of this was killing me 😩! I had the deepest desire to practice my new femininity skill set but no outlet. 


As much as I loved the women I was hanging out with, I had to realise that their influence wasn’t serving my best interest. I personally wanted a life of luxury, comfort, and ease and it was exhausting for me to be around women who constantly talked about being broke. Who skimped and struggled with no real desire to change their circumstances. 

I also knew that I wanted a high-quality man to date. A respectful man, who loved to take me out on nice dates, and who was head-over-heels for me. This was a standard I set for myself, but could never talk about because all of my friends were dating toxic men and complaining about their relationships problems 24/7.

It got to the point that I was keeping myself small for the comfort of my friends, which was severely hindering my growth. I was never going to become the highest version of myself or have the lifestyle of my dreams if I didn’t make a change.

It’s a simple truth, the people you surround yourself with influence your life, and you have to be intentional about who you’re letting into your inner circle.

When I started making changes to my own inner circle, it wasn’t that I just dropped all my friendships and burned bridges. All I did was decide that I was going to be open to inviting new friendships into my life.


Once I made that energetic shift within myself and became open to new, higher quality opportunities I set some standards. I decided that the friends that I would bring into my life would have to have these qualities:

  • They inspire me

  • They encourage me

  • They expect the best from me

When I am around these people I want to feel like I am my best self, living my best life. 

Which, mind you, completely worked. I can honestly say that every woman I currently have in my life is a woman who I would swap places with. They are women who introduce me to the best opportunities, invites me to affluent parties, and attends private members clubs with me. I can come to them when I am struggling and trust that they will give solid advice, and who bring a genuine smile to my face when I see their name on my caller I.D.

Now I know you’re wondering, “but how do you find people like that?”, which brings me to step 3.


I know, gasp! This could possibly be the most terrifying concept, especially if you’re an introvert, but lucky for you, I’m going to teach you how to do it so that you don’t feel awkward, uncomfortable, or ridden with anxiety.

Going out solo is truly an art form and where I learned the skills of romanticing your life (so you can introduce people into a world of pleasure), carrying an air of grace that is alluring yet inviting, and sharpening my rapport building skills. It’s where my feminine energy came out to play, and how I became more elevated, confident, and a magnet for everything I wanted.

Just as an example, when I would go out solo I always left with my drinks or meal paid for. I met incredible men who acted as my advocates when applying to a private member’s club (an opoorrtunity that brought me into rooms with some of the most high-level people I have ever met). I also met a man who later introduced me to levels of luxury I was yet to experience. i.e. staying at the Burj al Arab and shopping in the UAE.

Best of all, I found other like-minded women who had a love for luxury and who introduced me to men that would take us out and send their drivers to pick us up in the most opulent cars.

All opportunities that I would have missed had I stayed STUCK with my levelled down friends.

Now, years later, I’ve perfected this skill and you can often find me attending a private party alone and leaving with 3 new friends. One for business, one for social, and one for love (if I’m single hehe). Quality people are now attracted to my energy and desire to be in my space. Allowing me to form meaningful connections pretty much everywhere I go.

My only regret is that I didn’t have any sort of guidance when I was starting this journey.

I needed The Femme Guide

Becoming a master of going out solo took me years to achieve and an immense amount of practice (don’t even get me started on the mistakes I mad or the taboos I committed 😅). Whereas, if I had a blueprint or guide, I would have been able to put more strategy and intention behind my actions and optimise my interactions (saving me so much precious time). It would have helped me understand the cause and effects, what to look for, and how to know if what I was doing was working in my favour. Making the whole process a lot less stressful and far more enjoyable. 

It would have made going out solo feel like an exciting game. Knowing this is exactly why I’ve summarised everything that I’ve learned and packaged it into my most affordable class yet.

“The Secrets to Going Out Solo”

My tell-all guide on how to master the art of going out solo, embody untouchable confidence in social situations, and use your femininity to attract quality people and relationships into your life through getting out into the world. I truly took every technique I’ve learned over the years and packaged it all together in the form of a beautiful, easy-to-follow mini-class! 

Trust me when I say this, the people you surround yourself with can affect everything in your life. From what kind of house you live in, and the car you drive, to the places you get to travel to, your finances, and even your work. You won’t even realise it until you make a change.

This one decision could be the key that unlocks everything you want out of life.

I never want you to feel STUCK with levelled down friends ever again, which is why I priced “The Secrets to Going Out Solo” as a low-cost offer. You can access all my solo secrets for less than the price of two cocktails, and trust me, these techniques will do far more for you than catching a buzz. 

If you’re ready to uplevel your social life you can sign up for “The Secrets to Going Out Solo” here!

Here’s what you’ll find in this mini class

  • How to never make the worst SOLO MINDSET Mistakes that are stopping your energetic presence before you even step out of the house. 

  • The real reasons why most women never find the right places to go and what you can do to scoop up all the best location ideas.

  • The right way to dress for your self-dates without feeling uncomfortable or looking out of place

  • Eliminate the “Doubt Dragon” by doing this one thing when speaking to strangers.

  • How to use the Explorer Technique to go from awkward around strangers to becoming a beautiful social butterfly in the most enviable locations.

  • The 4 'S's of Solo Saftey that eliminates the“worry of being in awkward or unsavoury situations” forever.

  • Stop being average and use the “5 High-Level Solo Challenges” to motivate you to gain the most out of going out alone.

It’s time to spread your wings and unleash your inner social butterfly. Click here to access “The Secrets to Going Out Solo”