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 “We are a community of women who refuse to settle. We want and we will have it all!”

- The Femme Guide

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Femmes are women who know their worth and go out and get it. At The Femme Guide, no goal is too big or standard too high. In essence, we take pride in our community’s drive to succeed in lifestyle, dating and confidence, and we show them how to do so by harnessing their femininity.

Whether you realise you want to be feminine or a girly-girl that wants to take her power to the next level, The Femme Guide is on hand to assist.

Cat’s been through it all.

She struggled in the past with balancing a budding career and trying to be more magnetic. So she knows how difficult it can be to be progressing in one area of your life and utterly lacking direction in the other. 

At The Femme Guide, we’ve made it our mission to redefine what femininity is for the modern-day woman. 

Through providing support, clarity and transformative steps, we’ve helped hundreds of women level up their lives.


We’ve taken what we’ve learned to go from a 2 in mind, body and spirit to a 10. We’ve condensed six years of good and bad choices into clear and actionable guidance for you with a healthy sprinkling of science backing psychology and social dynamics secrets.

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Through our online courses and one to one coaching, we’ve been able to help women who knew they wanted more, but didn’t know how to get there. As a result, they have become magnetic, met high-value partners, got salary increases in the tens of thousands (amongst many new jobs). They all now exude femininity in their style and energy and confidence.

At The Femme Guide we won’t just show you how to win in one situation, we will teach you how to win at life.

The Femme Guide was founded by Cat Shanu; an ambitious go-getter and lover of luxury. When she’s not exploring new high-end restaurants, you can find Cat creating social media content, watching a classic film, or with her nose buried in a dystopian sci-fi novel. She is passionate about showing women how she went from ugly duckling (her words, not ours) to swan. But with an emphasis on not having to become a whole new person, but rather through enhancing the attributes they already have.


Are you more of a Cinderella or a Catwoman? 






Jasmine @jasmineee_wu (Level Up Lesson: Confidence)

Thank you so much Cat for all the countless advice, tips, and wisdom you gave me through all the courses I took with you! You break down the concepts so well into bite sized actionable steps and I’m always looking forward to the case studies of how charm/confidence/femininity is used by successful women and how we can learn from them. It really is true when you say your mentees get next day results. The content of the videos I watch on YouTube (TEDTalks) and books I read are so different now after I worked with you. I can’t wait to keep practicing and developing these skills that you’ve taught! 💖

A few weeks later... 

Hey Cat! After our mentoring sessions and how you told me about your teenage mentee who started her passive stream of income, I decided to start an online boutique @cherrybombecouture. Thanks for all that you do, you are such a fantastic mentor that always pushes me to take massive action! ❤️

Jessica @nosaladformen (Level Up Lesson: Confidence)
Hi Femme! I wanted to thank you again for yesterday’s How to talk to anyone course. I loved it so much. As always, we have so many laughs, but I took away so much valuable info that I’m going to practice and apply. I felt a sense of clarity when the session was over. I knew my conversation was bad, but you were able to pinpoint what it is I’m lacking and provide the things I must work on. Can’t wait to book more sessions 🥰
Thank you so much for making the time to speak with me. I learned so much! You gave immense detail and constructive criticism. The world isn’t ready for this High Value Goddess that you’ve nurtured ❤️

1 month later: Things have been going great! I’ve opened myself up to new possibilities and have been dating a seasoned gentleman who is helping me realize my dreams and completely supporting me. I’ve been able to stop working the 2nd job and start working on my actual career. I’ve truly stepped out of my comfort zone and allowed myself to be treated in all areas. Thanks so much for what you’ve shared with me. ❤️

Samia @samy_quuen_bee (Level Up Lesson: Confidence)

Hello Dear, I just want to say thank you so very much for yesterday's session, I truly enjoyed our conversation , it was very well prepared and I got so much value out of it. I have pages and pages of notes, cold hard truths I needed to hear, encouragement and hell you even managed to make me see rejection a totally different way. After our session I was feeling like the winner in me has been waiting too long to shine through & thanks to you I now know the clear actions I need to take immediately. Additionally, thank you for EVERY extra minute of your precious time ,and especially for you! Not only are you beautiful but your charm and feminine power are utterly enticing. You are the embodiment of a winner! Some girls out here are really missing out! I Can’t wait for our next sessions 🤓

Cierra @c2shineec (Level Up Lesson: Femininity)
I just want to say thank you for all of the fashion advice as I said in our last session I've bought a few new pieces to change my wardrobe around and everyday I've gotten compliment after compliment on what I'm wearing ☺️ and it always brightens my day 💕. So thanks again!💕💕🤗 And of course I can't wait until our next session!
Jessica @nosaladformen (Level Up Lesson: Femininity)
Hey Femme! I purchased some random “level up pdf” type of thing from someone on IG just for a read. Let me tell you, it was a waste 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 it was basic, mediocre and not detailed. I’m forever sticking to your knowledge and coaching. You offer a certain type of mentoring and coaching that I have yet to come across from anyone else. And your videos make it soooo entertaining. I Can’t wait for the Conversation & Psychology class. 🥰

Kaiya @botoxbestie (Level Up Lesson: Dating)

I was REALLY looking forward to our coaching & boy, was I surprised. I knew I would get a lot out of the session but I am amazed at exactly how much I got out of it. I am so, so glad I booked all of the courses that I did (I spent thousands overall - you are a result maker) because it is SO worth it. I have actionable goals, lots to think about. You connected with me prior to the session, really read my answers to the questions and listened with intent while we spoke. You brought me confidence, made me think and get into why I wanted what I wanted. Your positivity is easy to work with and you spark excitement. I really am looking forward to keep working with you and creating changes. I WILL be investing in your VIF coaching because it's worth it. Thank you Cat!

Rita (Level Up Lesson: Dating)
Thank you so much for making the time to speak with me. I learned so much! You gave immense detail and constructive criticism. The world isn’t ready for this High Value Goddess that you’ve nurtured ❤️

1 month later: Things have been going great! I’ve opened myself up to new possibilities and have been dating a seasoned gentleman who is helping me realize my dreams and completely supporting me. I’ve been able to stop working the 2nd job and start working on my actual career. I’ve truly stepped out of my comfort zone and allowed myself to be treated in all areas. Thanks so much for what you’ve shared with me. ❤️ 1:
Kemi @duchesssiks (VIF Coaching)
Hi, Cat (Femme),
I wanted to let you know how personalized and informative your sessions were for me. For becoming the next level of the type of woman I'm becoming and presenting myself to others to attract the life and opportunities I want. From the first session (which was over 2 hours and not bored) was packed with information that changed my mindset and ideals of what being feminine was and how it can be powerful. Throughout my sessions, I was able to enjoy myself and get some tough love (my wardrobe is getting better with well-fitted clothes) to create and transform inward and outward my dream self.

Become feminine, confident and charming to attract the type of man I want, my dream career and the lifestyle I want - I know I have the foundation of strategies, new look, and mindset to achieve it. Thank you so much, you're truly an amazing, honest and abundant with information coach!

Rocky (VIF Coaching)

I’ve been so scattered about a lot for so long, I knew that it would be difficult for me to streamline all the things I wanted to say. Having spoken to her in the initial consultation call, I knew she had a lot to offer and that did little to help all my excitement lol. With a new coach I still wasn’t 100% sure of what to expect. Knowing I was so excited, I tried my best to just keep my mouth shut and listen. Not only is she a good teacher but a great listener. It’s hard not to get carried away lol.

Initially went over core confidence, which I had a hard time believing it was something I needed … little did I know.

With further evaluation, I realized there were several key factors I hadn’t practiced. She gave me some further self examination techniques to help clear unnecessary distractions from my self image and become more self aware of specific reasons WHY we behave the way we do (rather than just barking “to dos”). 

She showed me the importance of knowing and believing that within myself, I possess everything I need inside me to win at life -  this really changed the weight of the lesson. 

Cat gives the tools to unlock our internal potential, resonating more because the answers come from within. This has been an incredibly useful investment. Sometimes all we need is a little push from someone who knows which direction.

Kaiya (Charm Classes)
Girl I’m watching the charm class and I feel so connected to you... we haven’t even chatted in real life yet. It’s changed my whole understanding of the interactions I need to be having with people. Thank you for providing this to the world.

My god the material you’ve shared is gold. I’ve learned about the power of being charismatic. I’ve discovered through you, people to look at for charima inspiration and the way you analyzed a video of someone who emulated charisma, that was unique. The entire 10 minute analysis of her was worth the price of the class 100x over alone. You pointed out things I hadn’t ever considered and told us how to use them in our everyday lives.